Energy Sources


Application and skills

  • Specific energy and energy density of fuel sources
  • Sankey diagrams
  • Primary energy sources
  • Electricity as a secondary and versatile form of energy
  • Renewable and non-renewable energy sources
  • Solving specific energy and energy density problems
  • Sketching and interpreting Sankey diagrams
  • Describing the basic features of fossil fuel power stations, nuclear power stations, wind generators, pumped storage hydroelectric systems and solar power cells
  • Solving problems relevant to energy transformations in the context of these generating systems
  • Discussing safety issues and risks associated with the production of nuclear power
  • Describing the differences between photovoltaic cells and solar heating panels
  • Primary energy is energy found in nature that has not yet been subject to processing of any kind
  • We may classify energy sources into two large classes, non-renewable and renewable.

  • Two types of energy are kinetic and potential.
  • non-renewable energy resource (sometimes called a finite resource) is one that is consumed faster than it is replenished. This means that it will eventually run out.
  • renewable energy resource remains undiminished or is replaced through natural processes in the environment in relevant human time-frames. 
  • thermal power plant
  • hydroelectric power plant
  • nuclear power plant
  • geothermal power plant
  • solar power plant
  • wind power plant
  • biomass power plant

Thermal Power plant

Tennessee Valley Authority, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

  • Sources of energy: burning fossil such as coal
  • Burning coal releases heat that turns water into steam
  • Pressurized steam forces the turbine to run
  • The turbine makes the coils of a generator rotate in a magnetic field, creating electricity by electromagnetic induction

  • Cold water (usually from a nearby river) condenses the steam into liquid water that can again be heated in the boilers

Nuclear Power plant

Solar Power

Hydroelectric Power

Wind Power

