Pythagorean Theorem 

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Pythagorean theorem is one of the most remarkable discoveries in mathematics by allowing mathematicians to determine side lengths of a right triangle. This theorem is also frequently used in physics for calculating different components of a quantity.

Some useful Side Numbers

  • 3, 4, 5 (9+16=25) , and any multiple of 3, 4, 5
  • 6, 8,10 (36+64=100), and any multiple of 6, 8, 10

Introduction of Trigonometry

Three Sides of A Triangle

Cosine, Sine, and Tangent

By TheOtherJesse - Own work, Public Domain,

Graph of cosx, sinx, and tanx

Link for cosine and sine function:

Link for tangent function:

Trigonometry Identities Sum Up

Trig Cheat Sheet
PDF – 111.9 KB 114 downloads

Pythagorean Theorem and Trigonometry 

Break Into Different Components

  • Any quantities, such as force, velocity, etc can be break into different component by using trigonometry, and can be calculated by using the pythagorean theorem
  • For the picture on the right, F can be break into a horizontal component Fx and a vertical component Fy (pythagorean theorem). 
  • By using trigonometry, Fx = Fcosθ, and Fy = Fsinθ. This terminology can be used physics for force component, calculating velocity, acceleration, etc

Source of the image:

Inverse of Cosine, Sine, and Tangent

Practice Problems

Worksheet 18 Sector Arc
PDF – 402.0 KB 107 downloads
Exam Style Trig With Bearings With Answers
PDF – 486.3 KB 110 downloads