Terminal Velocity

  • The assumption that air resistance is negligible is often unrealistic. An object traveling through a fluid will alway experience a force opposite to its moving direction, which known as the drag force. Drag force a frictional force, sometime known as air resistance. 
  • Terminal velocity is the velocity at which a falling body moves through a medium, as air, when the force of resistance of the medium is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity.

Parachute and Terminal Velocity


Motion Diagram for Drag Force

Velocity-Time Graph For Curiosity Landing (A challenge question)

Looking at the Velocity-Time graph of the landing and come up with a explanation 

Answer and Explanation

Simulation for Drag Force

Excel Simulation Air Resistant Fall Instructions
Word – 52.4 KB 117 downloads
Excel Simulation Air Resistant Fall Starter File
Excel – 252.0 KB 115 downloads