Projectile Motion

The section includes

  1. A basic introduction of projectile motion, including some basic problem-solving skills, an introduction of the properties of projectile motion, and projectile from an inclined place. Though the lecture contains content that introduces properties of projectile motion, all online stimulations are highly recommended.
  2. A simulation for projectile motion's trajectory. The focus of this investigation is to discover the properties of projectile's trajectory. There is an attached file for the stimulation, please download the file to answer all the questions.
  3. A fun experiment that gives you an intuition of projectile motion's trajectory
  4. Two simulations for projectile motion with drag. For the two simulations, think about how drag force affects an object's trajectory. The relationship between drag force and an object's initial velocity, traveling time, shooting at an angle with respect to the ground level, etc.
  5. At last, there is a section for practicing skills only. 

Introduction of Projectile Motion

  • Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object is projected or thrown into air, and the motion is affected by gravity only. The object is called a projectile, and its path is called its trajectory. To investigate the properties of projectile motion, please see the attached file for a stimulation that focuses on object's trajectory. 

Useful Formulas

Five Main Types of Problems

The last two images discusses projectile motion from an inclined plane. For more detail please see motion from an inclined plane. The link for the website is:

Sources of images


Simulation For Projectile Motion's Trajectory

  • Import the video into Tracker (If you haven't download the app, you can find it in the software recommended section). Then use Tracker to track the object's trajectory (if you don't know how to use Tracker, you can find it in the software recommended section)
  • Download the document of the video analysis activity and fill out all the questions. Think about what all mathematical relationships represent in term of physical parameter. 
  • The simulation might take a while, but the process can be beneficial for your understanding of physics.
Ball And Cart Small Push Only
MP4 file – 1.6 MB 110 downloads
  • Credit:
Video Analysis Activity
Word – 42.6 KB 134 downloads

Properties of Projectile Motion's Trajectory

  • From the stimulation, it can be seen that projectile motion's trajectory can be modeled by a parabolic function and maintains the property of symmetry. However, under the influence of drag force, a frictional force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid, the trajectory will  no longer be symmetry. 


  • The vertical velocity of an object will eventually reach a terminal velocity as the air resistance increases. Terminal velocity occurs when resultant force is zero, meaning that drag force and buoyancy is equal to gravity. This will be discussed more detail later in Newton's Laws. 


  • The figure on the right demonstrates the impact of drag force on project motion with more details.

Fun Experiment At Home

Projectile Motion with Drag

Online Stimulation For Projectile Motion

  • The online stimulation models projectile with air resistance
  • This website also provide content for other materials, such as vector identity
  • The website is highly recommended for those who is eager to learn materials outside textbooks.

Brought to you by

Stimulation On Desmos

Link for the stimulation:

Practice Problems

Projectile Motion Worksheet 1
PDF – 2.4 MB 127 downloads
Projectile Motion Worksheet 1 Solutions
PDF – 1.8 MB 227 downloads
PDF – 558.6 KB 140 downloads
Projectile MS
PDF – 439.9 KB 136 downloads