Free Fall Motion Simulation


  • Import the video into Tracker (If you haven't download the app, you can find it in the software recommended section). Then use Tracker to track the object's trajectory (If you are looking for a tutorial video for tTracker tutorial).
  • Tracker will generate all kind of graph, such as vertical component VS time. Change the y-axis to different quantities and see what pattern can you observed.
Cotton Ball Falling
MP4 file – 696.4 KB 95 downloads

Galileo's Law - Free Fall Motion

Galileo's law of free fall states that, in the absence of air resistance, all bodies fall with the same acceleration, independent of their mass.

Full Length of The Experiment

Kinematic Equations Exercises

Freefall Calculation 1
Word – 14.6 KB 90 downloads
Freefall Calculation Problems 2
PDF – 19.0 KB 83 downloads

Problems are collected from:

Freefall Calculation 3
Word – 40.2 KB 90 downloads
Freefall Calculation 3
PDF – 91.3 KB 79 downloads